Our Associate Colleges
Our Associate Colleges are successful school trusts, selected because of their wealth of in-house expertise in professional development and their deep relationships in their local areas.
Here is a list of our current Associate Colleges:
Alban Academies Trust: A cross-phase multi-academy trust serving schools across Hertfordshire, which runs a national Teaching School Hub and regional Computing Hub.
Chiltern Learning Trust: A multi-academy trust made up of 17 schools, which runs two national Teaching School Hubs.
Colyton Grammar School: An outstanding 11-18 secondary school that also runs a Teaching School Hub to support schools from across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay.
DRET: David Ross Education Trust runs a Teaching School Hub and works with 34 primary and secondary schools across the country.
Education South West: A multi-academy trust made up of nine primary and secondary schools, as well as a community college and a university technical college. They also run a Teaching School Hub.
Inspiration Trust: A multi-academy trust of 15 schools in Norfolk and North Suffolk, training more than 40 teachers a year and running its own Teaching School Hub.
Kernow Learning: A multi-academy trust made up of 21 primary schools across Cornwall. Kernow Learning also have an English Hub and run a Teaching School Hub.
Learn-AT: Learn Academies Trust was established in September 2016 to serve children and families in Church of England and Community schools in South Leicestershire
LEO Academy Trust: A multi-academy trust made up of 9 schools, educating 5,000 pupils. LEO is also a lead MAT in the London EdTech Hub.
NELT: North East Learning Trust runs a Teaching School Hub and is made up of 11 schools, educating almost 7,000 children.
Ormiston Academies Trust: Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) educate over 35,000 pupils across five regions, in over 40 schools – currently 32 secondary schools, six primary schools, three alternative provision schools and one special school.
Pen Green Research, Training and Development Base: A training and development organisation based in an Outstanding nursery school and early years family centre in Corby, Northamptonshire.
The Laurus Trust: A cross-phase multi-academy trust serving pupils and students across Greater Manchester and Cheshire East. The Trust consists of 12 schools, from nursery to post-16.
The Rivers CofE Academy Trust: A multi academy trust made up of 15 primary schools and a teaching alliance in Worcestershire, Sandwell and Dudley.
The Sea View Trust: Established when two academy trusts merged in 2019, the trust educates pupils at six schools in Blackpool and Rossendale and runs its own Teaching School Hub.
The White Horse Federation: A multi-academy trust that runs a network of over 30 primary, secondary and special schools making it one of the largest multi-academy trusts in the Southwest.
Trinity Multi-Academy Trust: A Church of England academy trust made up of 10 schools, from nursery through to post-16.
Unity Schools Partnership: A multi-academy trust made up of primary, middle and secondary schools, as well as four special schools, a research school and a Teaching School Hub.
Windsor Academy Trust: Windsor Academy Trust is a family of schools in the Midlands committed to unlocking students’ academic and personal potential.