For our website


The National Institute of Teaching is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) sets out the law relating to data protection and the way we process your data is all carried out in accordance with that law.

This privacy notice relates to the data we collect/process when you visit our website.

Where we do collect personal data through our website, we make this clear and explain what we intend to do with that data – please refer to ‘Privacy Notice – expressions of interest forms.’

This privacy notice sets out the following information:

  • Our details
  • DPO Details
  • Analytics
  • Cookies
  • Security and Performance
  • Purpose and lawful basis for processing
  • Your rights
  • Complaints

Our Details

We are the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT), a new specialist teacher development provider in England. Co-founded by the Harris Federation, Oasis Community Learning, Outwood Grange Academies Trust and Star Academies via the vehicle the School-Led Development Trust, NIoT will provide innovative teacher and school leader development programmes.

The National Institute of Teaching is the controller for the personal information we process, unless otherwise stated. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use the personal information we collect about you.

You can contact us

DPO Details

It is the role of the Data Protection Officer to monitor internal compliance with data protection legislation and inform and advise the National Institute of Teaching of its data protection obligations.

If you have any questions about the information in this privacy notice or how we collect and process your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer.

Our Data Protection Officer is Shaun Dillon. You can contact the DPO at


When you visit our website, we use a third-party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns.

The information collected in this way includes:

  • IP address
  • Pages visited
  • Web browser
  • Search criteria entered
  • Previous web pages visited
  • Social media username (if you have interacted with us using such channels)

We do this to find out such things as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site and to make improvements to our service to ensure we are providing the best visitor experience.

This information is only processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone.

The information collected is classed as personal data as Google assigns a unique identifier to each visitor. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.

We have measures to protect the information collected, which include: limiting the amount of data that is collected, setting a retention schedule for the data collected, restricting access to our Google Analytics data and regularly reviewing our use of analytics.

The analytics data is captured by Google Analytics 4 which anonymises the data.


We use cookies on two types of cookies on our website: essential cookies and optional cookies.

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by the websites that you visit.

Essential cookies - most of cookies we use are necessary for the functionality, security and accessibility of the website.

Optional cookies – we use some cookies to track your activity when you visit our site for example, the number and type of pages visited and where visitors have come to the site from. We use the information gathered to improve our website and user experience. The cookie’s collect information in an anonymous form.

We do not collect or store your personal information so the analytics data cannot be used to identify who you are.

We do not allow Google to use or share the data we collect.

We use a cookies tool on our website to gain consent for the optional cookies we use.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from us, or indeed any other website, you can use your browser preferences to do so.

If you wish to opt out of all Google Analytics tracking then you can do so, here:

Security and performance

We use a third-party secure web hosting service, Amazon AWS EU (Ireland) which offers industry leading encryption and security of data in transit and at rest. AWS developed a security assurance programme using best practice for global privacy and data protection.

A record of traffic information is retained for a period of 12 months.

Purpose and lawful basis for processing

The purpose for implementing the above is to maintain and monitor the performance of our website and to constantly look to improve the site and the services we offer to our users.

The lawful basis we rely on to process your personal data is:

Article 6(1)(a) UK GDPR – which states that we will process your personal data with your consent. For example, when we require your consent for the optional cookies we use.

If we process your personal data on the lawful basis of consent, you have the right to amend that consent and change your preferences at any time. Please refer to the information under the ‘Cookies’ section above.

Article 6(1)(f) UK GDPR – which allows us to process personal data when it is necessary for our legitimate interests. For example, in order to maintain the integrity of our website, IT systems and the continuity of our business.

Your rights

As we are processing your personal data collected via Google Analytics and using the lawful basis of our legitimate interests as set out above, you have the following rights:

  • The right to object to the processing of your information

There may be legitimate reasons why we may refuse your objection which will depend on why we are processing the information.

If you require further information or you wish to object to the processing of your data, please contact our DPO using the details above.


We take any complaints about our collection and use of personal information very seriously.

If you think that our collection or use of personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or have any other concern about our data processing, please raise this with our DPO in the first instance.

Alternatively, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office:

  • Report a concern online at
  • Call 0303 123 1113
  • Or write to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

For our research

If you are responding to a survey, are part of a focus group, or attend a research related event


The National Institute of Teaching is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) sets out the law relating to data protection and the way we handle your personal data is carried out in accordance with that law.

This privacy notice relates to the personal information we collect about you when you respond to a survey, are part of a focus group or an attend event.

For information about the data we collect when you visit our website, please refer to the ‘privacy notice for visitors to our website’.

This privacy notice sets out the following information:

  • Our details
  • DPO details
  • The personal data we collect
  • Why we use this data
  • Special Category Data
  • Our legal basis for using this data
  • Collecting this personal data
  • How we store this data
  • Data Sharing - Who we share any personal data with and why
  • Transferring data internationally
  • Your rights
  • Complaints

Our details

We are the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT), a new specialist teacher development provider in England. Co-founded by the Harris Federation, Oasis Community Learning, Outwood Grange Academies Trust and Star Academies via the vehicle the School-Led Development Trust, NIoT will provide innovative teacher and school leader development programmes.

The National Institute of Teaching is the controller for the personal information we process, unless otherwise stated. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use the personal information we collect about you.

You can contact us

DPO details

It is the role of the Data Protection Officer to monitor internal compliance with data protection legislation and inform and advise the National Institute of Teaching of its data protection obligations.

If you have any questions about the information in this privacy notice or how we collect and process your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer.

Our Data Protection Officer is Shaun Dillon. You can contact the DPO at

The personal data we collect

Responding to a survey, being part of a focus group or attending an event:

Personal data that we may collect using when you respond to a survey, are part of a focus group or attend an event:

  • Your personal data - Name, date of birth, address
  • Your contact information - Email address, telephone number, contact preferences
  • Your current employment status - Details of whether you are currently employed by a school in England
  • Your teacher information - DfE teacher reference
  • Your school information - Name of your current school, school URN, school contact number and address
  • LEA area, school setting type, school phase, school specialism, number of pupils on the roll, percentage of free school meal pupils
  • Your work experience - employment history, current job role/title, length of time in current post, leadership responsibilities, reference details (full name and email)
  • Your educational records – qualification levels, grades
  • Your status – your right to live and work in the UK, whether you currently hold teacher status
  • Special requirements – disabilities, health concerns or learning requirements that mean that you require support to complete a survey, are part of a focus group or attend an event.

Our legal basis for using your data

The purpose for collecting your data is to enable us to better understand the views of teachers and senior leaders working in schools, nurseries and colleges; along with other NIoT stakeholder such as researchers.

We may also use contact details to send communications that promote the NIoT’s aims and services. We will inform you when we wish to use your data for this purpose and collect your explicit consent when required, which can be withdrawn at any time. We only collect and use your personal data when the law allows us to.

  • The GDPR lawful basis we rely on to process your personal data is legitimate interests (GDPR Article 6(1)(f). These interested are as per the above purposes.

We may also process your personal information when we have your specific consent to do so, for example, where you have provided us with your marketing preferences.

Where you have provided your consent, you may withdraw or amend this at anytime by contacting us.

Collecting this personal data

We collect information directly from you when you repond to a survey, are part in a focus group or sign up to take part in an event.

How we store this data

We store all personal information on our secure network, using the AWS Amazon EU (Ireland) Cloud based secure storage.

All personal information is stored securely within the UK.

Whenever we collect or process your personal data, we will only keep it for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. Details of how long we store your personal information are contained in our Retention Policy.

NIOT’s Registers of Processing Activities (ROPAs) includes retention periods and will indicate the types of data which are archived for historical or statistical purposes.

Data sharing – who we share any personal data with and why

We do not, and will not, sell your data to third parties.

NIoT will only share your personal data with third parties, if we are allowed or required to do so by law.

Where information is shared with third parties, we will seek to share the minimum amount of information necessary to fulfil the relevant purpose.

We may share your personal information with the following:

  • Third party contractual service providers: to ensure the smooth running of our services and systems.
  • Third party agents or service providers appointed by NIoT: to enable us to operate effectively.
  • The DfE
  • Third party appointed researches: to enable us to continue to provide the highest quality programmes (any personal information shared would be anonymised or pseudo-anonymised).

Transferring data internationally

Where we transfer personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, we will do so in accordance with data protection law and ensure that the organisation outside the EEA is compliant with the GDPR. We do not currently transfer personal data to a country outside the EEA and don’t propose to in the future but will liaise directly with any individuals if this becomes necessary.

Your rights

Your right of access:

Individuals have a right to make a ‘subject access request’ to gain access to personal information that the NIoT holds about them.

If you make a subject access request, and if we do hold information about you, we will:

  • Give you a description of the data we hold,
  • Tell you why we are holding and processing it, and how long we will keep it for,
  • Explain where we got it from, if not from you,
  • Tell you who it has been, or will be, shared with,
  • Let you know whether any automated decision-making is being applied to the data, and any consequences of this
  • Give you a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

Individuals also have the right for their personal information to be transmitted electronically to another organisation in certain circumstances.

Your other rights:

  • Your right to rectification – you have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information that you think is incomplete. This right always applies.
  • Your right to erasure – you have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • Your right to restriction of processing – you may have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.
  • Your right to object to processing – you have the right to object to processing if the process forms part of our legitimate interests.

If you would like to make a request, please contact our Data Protection Officer (see details above in the ‘Our DPO’ section).


We take any complaints about our collection and use of personal information very seriously.

If you think that our collection or use of personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or have any other concern about our data processing, please raise this with us in the first instance.

To make a complaint, please contact our DPO.

Alternatively, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office:

  • Report a concern online at
  • Call 0303 123 1113
  • Or write to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
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