Take the next step...

Unlock your potential as a school leader and apply for our innovative, impact-focused National Professional Qualifications (NPQs). To register your interest, please complete the 'Find out more' form and we'll get in touch with more information.


We offer five leadership NPQs (in Senior Leadership, Headship, Executive Leadership, Early Years and for SENCOs) as well as five NPQs for teachers and leaders who wish to develop their expertise in specialist areas (Leading Literacy, Leading Behaviour and Culture, Leading Teaching, Leading Teacher Development and Leading Primary Maths).

Browse our programmes here.


We can confirm that we will be delivering NPQs in schools near the following locations:

  • North and West: Blackburn, Preston, Bolton, Wigan, Liverpool, Leyland and Skelmersdale
  • South, East and London: Norwich, London and South Essex
  • North and East: Tyne and Wear, Doncaster, Redcar, Halifax, Gateshead, Washington, Peterlee and Grimsby
  • South and West: Bath & North East Somerset, Birmingham, Bristol, Devon, Dudley, Cornwall, Swindon, South Gloucestershire, Sandwell, Somerset, South Staffordshire, Worcester and Walsall


Typically, participants will need to complete the programme and achieve a pass mark in a written, ‘open book’ style, structured assessment of up to 2,500 words.

We will support participants with writing clinics before they embark on gaining their accreditation.

The assessment itself takes place over an eight-day window. There are two assessment windows per year and participants have two opportunities to take part.


For the October 2024 cohort:

  • All state schools will be eligible for fully-funded places on the NPQ in Headship, NPQ for SENCOs, NPQ in Leading Primary Maths and Early Headship Coaching Offer only
  • For all other NPQs, schools with the highest 50% of pupil premium pupils will be eligible for fully funded places, as well as early years and 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage

For those who are not eligible to receive funding, prices can be found on each of our programme pages.

You can find the DfE messaging and a list of schools eligible for funding here: Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)



The better and more knowledgeable you are at your job, the more enjoyable and exciting you will find it – and that enthusiasm will be passed on to your pupils.

Essential knowledge

We offer programmes developed by professionals designed to enable you to make a greater impact in your job.

Research informed practice

You’ll have access to the latest and best evidence of what works in education.

Community of educators

You’ll be part of a diverse community of educators, all learning from one another during the course – and potentially afterwards, too.

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