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19 March 2024

Ofsted 'outstanding' for National Institute of Teaching's NPQ programmes

We are delighted to share that the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) has been graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted for its NPQ programmes.

We are delighted to share that the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) has been graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted for its NPQ programmes.

Earlier this year, inspectors spoke with a range of participants, facilitators, NIoT staff and delivery partners to assess the overall quality and effectiveness of our NPQ provision. We are pleased to see that the feedback they gathered was unanimously positive, reflecting our commitment to providing the highest standard of professional development that enables teachers and school leaders to do their best work.

“... A relentless focus on continuous improvement”

The report highlights our ambition and the high standards set out by our leadership team, which it describes as ‘epitomised by a relentless focus on continuous improvement’. Our development and training offer was also referred to as ‘extremely ambitious’ and of ‘exceptional quality’.

Inspectors recognised how the highly effective relationships that we have established with our partner organisations have been integral to the quality of our programmes, noting that ‘close on-going collaboration between the centre and delivery partners has embedded the NIoT’s exacting expectations for participants’ professional development.’

Respectful of time and teacher-led

A key thread that shone through was our commitment to respecting participants’ time. Whatever the programme, the NIoT prioritises teacher well-being and workload. Our leaders astutely anticipate and remedy potential issues that participants might face, what is learned and applied is tailored with sensitivity and precision to their individual professional context and development needs.

Our dedication to providing relevant and practical content was also noted. Expert facilitators are always on hand to guide participants through the theoretical principles of educational leadership and how these can be contextualised and applied. This includes, for instance, ‘virtual school’ visits where participants see first-hand how to translate learning effectively into their own roles.

The rigour in the NIoT’s approach extends to the selection of its programme facilitators. These facilitators are experienced school leaders who bring the programme to life through local seminars, master classes, practice clinics and coaching sessions. Facilitators know exactly how to lead participants in applying the NPQ framework to their own school context.

‘Everything is focused on enabling participants to affect positive change for pupils’

The report also highlighted the exceptional learning outcomes and tangible impact of our programmes, noting that ‘participants learn the intended curriculum exceptionally well.’ The inspectors emphasised how course content is designed to have a direct impact in classrooms: ‘Everything is focused on enabling participants to affect positive change for pupils.’ And this starts from the top, with a strong vision from our leadership team: ‘Leaders’ oversight is rooted explicitly in strengthening participants’ readiness to apply what they learn in their setting.”

Chief Executive Officer Melanie Renowden said: “While it is pleasing to receive such a positive final judgement, what is perhaps most rewarding is to see our collective vision for NPQs reflected in the words of inspectors. We are particularly delighted to see the NIoT’s commitment to being school-led coming through so strongly.

“I’m thrilled that our partners were also highlighted, as the quality of our NPQ programmes rests on the work of the school leaders teaching on our programmes, our Founding Trusts and our Associate Colleges. This, combined with the dedication of our participants - who put their learning into action to enact positive changes in their schools - means their headteachers see immediate and positive in-school impact for school leaders, teachers and children.”

Applications for our NPQs are now open for our October 2024 cohort. Click here to apply or find out more about our NPQ programmes.

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